
Tips and Insider Knowledge from around the IT Industry


What’s new in the Microsoft 365 Apps admin center

The shift to remote work has not been easy, especially for IT administrators. After all, they’re in charge of supervising and securing workflows, devices, and software to ensure optimal user experience and to keep cyberthreats at bay. They are also expected to deploy IT solutions that are within budget so that costs don’t run amuck. […]

The pitfalls of business continuity planning

If your managed IT services provider has been using the same business continuity plan (BCP) for years, your organization may be in trouble. BCPs should continuously be updated so you avoid overlooking or underestimating certain issues. Not updating your BCP is just one mistake that can harm your business. Here are a few more you […]

How to be proactive with your cyber defenses

It is good to have an IT team and/or a third-party partner like a managed services provider (MSP) that helps keep your company protected against cyberthreats. It is even better to have all stakeholders be involved in preventing data breaches. Here’s how everyone can be proactive when it comes to cybersecurity. Understand the threats you’re […]

How to tighten your VoIP systems’ security

Few companies today would survive without effective, cost-efficient collaboration tools like Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solutions. But like any piece of technology, VoIP systems are fast becoming an easy target for attackers. Here’s how to protect your company’s internet-based communication devices from numerous threats. What many companies don’t realize is that valuable information moves […]

Microsoft 365 features that prevent phishing

Over the years, Microsoft has built a reputation as a provider of powerful and intuitive tools that enhance efficiency and productivity. The company is also continuously taking steps to protect their users from today’s top cyberthreats. A great example of this is Microsoft 365, which is well equipped to combat phishing scams. Among the many […]

Here are 4 ways your business can get ahead of the tech curve

The key to finding competitive advantage is by embracing innovation. So no matter how trivial or whimsical a technological development may seem, you’ll want to keep an open mind about what it can do for you. But for a small company, what does “embracing innovation” actually entail? Read on to learn more. Be an early […]

Here’s why you need a VPN and how to choose one

Installing antivirus software and using strong passwords are no longer considered the bare minimum in cybersecurity. With your online activities transparent to internet service providers, third parties, and hackers alike, it’s important to keep your information secure and private by using a virtual private network (VPN). Here’s why. What is a VPN? A VPN creates […]

Tips to avoid VoIP downtime

Calamitous events such as wildfires and Category 5 hurricanes can happen at any time. If your company’s tech infrastructure isn’t prepared to weather these, it can put you out of business. One of the most essential technologies today is Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephony systems. Should a disaster knock your VoIP system offline, you […]

Make the most out of Microsoft Word with these tips

Microsoft Word remains the word processing software of choice for businesses large and small. With Word, you can create a wide variety of documents, from reports to invoices to brochures. Word also has a number of features that, when utilized properly, could greatly enhance your productivity and efficiency at work. Let’s take a look at […]

How automation boosts your small business’s marketing

A solid marketing strategy can make a business profitable. Unfortunately, in the past, not all small businesses were able to spend a huge amount of their budget on marketing. With marketing automation becoming more and more accessible to small enterprises, that has changed. Here are marketing automation benefits your small business should leverage. Inbound lead […]